Praying hands, the cross and Jesus are common tattoo symbols with tons of unique variations and interpretations. Perhaps too many…Some folks take their religion pretty seriously, and some well, let’s just say they make you want to say OMG in vain. These Jesus tattoos range from ridiculous to offensive to just plain WTF.
How’s that song go again? “Jesus loves me, this I know… because these tattoos tell me so.”
Raptor Jesus Tattoo
He went extinct for our sins.
Zombie Jesus Tattoo
He came back…. again.
Pimp Jesus Tattoo
He turns water into Colt 45.
Gumbi Jesus Tattoo
It’s alright, he can just stretch out his arms until his feet touch the ground.
Jesus Pez Dispenser
It spits out communion wafers instead of Pez – raw deal.
Einstein Jesus Tattoo
Who says science and religion can’t coexist?
Hello Kitty Jesus Tattoo
They say God is present in all things, and Hello Kitty merchandise is pretty much everywhere, so when you think about it, this tattoo makes sense.
Jesus Spock Tattoo
Wait, Jesus didn’t coin the phrase “live long and prosper”?
OMG LOL Jesus Tattoo
It’s good to know that Jesus has a sense of humor.
Jesus Ghostbusters Tattoo
Who ya gonna call? Christ Busters!
Cajun Chef Jesus Tattoo
If anyone can make a divine pot of gumbo, it’s Jesus.
Cool Guy Jesus Tattoo
Jesus takes up a cooler look in order to appeal to the kids.
Jesus Riding a Dinosaur Tattoo
Not only did people live alongside the dinosaurs when earth was created 6000 years ago, but Jesus tamed them.
Jesus is my Homeboy Tattoo
Jesus is my homeboy, this I know fo’ sho’.
Rockin’ Jesus Tattoo
If Jesus had lived in modern times, he probably would have been a guitar-playing hippie… he’s got the hair for it.
Zombie Jesus Fish Tattoo
If you give a man a fish he’ll eat for a day. If you teach him to fish, he’ll acquire a taste for delicious brains.
Two in the Pink Jesus Tattoo
That maneuver shall hence forth be referred to as “The Holy Touch”.
Jesus Kissing Satan Tattoo
Jesus loves EVERYONE. (Yes in that way.)